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Dodajmy jeszcze że mason – jak reszta jego kompanii i mamy obraz władzy i przyszłości jaką nam szykują – zobacz film

Barroso and all the other politicians in the media spotlight are servants for the real masters behind the scenes. Get knowledge about the Comitee of 300. The real glory of the Western Civilization – which is the culture and moral of the European people – is destroyed by them. Until you know about them you know nothing about the real driving forces of the last 100 years, mate.
I cannot believe that this man is a the President of the Commission. EU is a very sad story, the communists did not go away, they just changed colours.Absolutely! They’ve recylced themselves under different names: Green Party, etc. What they could not do the West with intimidation, tanks, and missiles, they will simply do now with euphemistic treaties which will be pushed through with the most underhanded of tactics. These Cohn-Bendit, Schultz, Barroso, etc. characters are sickening. For instance Cohn Bendit is a self-avowed paedophiliac.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In a way, the EU is about legimitising deviants of all sorts and empowering the extreme left.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is this what Europe needs? Maoists???
Barosso did his own revolution – several milions in retirenment/pension as EU-imperialist-leader. Kommunist or capitalist or colonialism. Who cares? The most important thing is to be with those on power and rule the world.

Simply by looking at the goals of communism, freemasonry, illuminati or any other of the interlinked secret societies you’ll see that they are exactly the same -
1)Destruction of Christianity
2)Destruction of marriage
3) Destruction of family unit
4) Destruction of private property
5)Children to be educated by state etc
- Look around you & you’ll see how close they are to achieving this New World Order – The Phoenix rising from the ashes is Lucifer rising out of the old world into this new order !!!
Research the interesting alumni list of the Jesuit Georgetown University.
The Jesuit Order - which controls the Vatican octopus and SMOM – are the black magic preiests of creating mass consensus trances (aka mind control). Brezinzski who controls Barack Obama on behalf of the bankers – hes been part of the cabal performing mind control techniques for decades – and look at the mass trance for Obama today!

Perhaps some stalinists or some leninists or some marxits? Lenin, Stalin, Mao build soviet type gulags. Is this the future of Europe ?

Barroso as a young, passionate Maoist student leader in 1976 !!!!!!!!!!

This video shows a 1976 interview with Jose Manuel Durao Barroso, now President of the European Commission, as a young, passionate Maoist student leader in Portugal, talking about a resolution adopted by the Revolutionary Students Commission on access to universities in Portugal. This was two years after the revolution.
Barroso is a hi-level freemason & according to Albert Pike, freemasons are the keepers of the mysteries of babylon-these mysteries refer to Lucifer worship in a 1 world gov.

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